
Install linux on chromebook without developer mode
Install linux on chromebook without developer mode

install linux on chromebook without developer mode

After the system downloads and installs, at the prompt type “sudo startxfce4” to enter your new linux environment! Note this will install xfce desktop (a light weight desktop that comes with xubuntu, really, its all you need), see the crouton page for more information on other options (Unity, if your that way inclined\-:).Ĩ.

install linux on chromebook without developer mode

Now: “sudo sh -e ~/Downloads/crouton -t xfce”. Follow the instructions to setup a sudo password!Ħ. Now open a shell window by typing CTL ALT T (note, this won’t work if you use the VT2 terminal ie CTL ALT Forward!), at the chronos shell type “shell” to, well, enter the shellĥ. Once you are up and running with your ChromeOS, open a browser and download crouton, use the file manager to check that it has downloaded to your download directory.Ĥ. Once you are back to the login screen, type in your google credentials and restore you system, for me it seemed that everything was running a lot quicker than with the walled garden version, maybe I was dreaming.ģ. Power off and enter developer mode by tapping the power button while holding down ESC and REFRESH, this should bring up a scary “your OS is damaged” screen, now hit CTRL D, and following the on screen instructions press ENTER to switch to developer mode (this takes some time).Ģ. Identity crisis, Linux and ChromeOS side by side!ġ. Backup everything! Well if you live in the cloud this is not a problem as google is taking care of this for you, but this process WIPE YOUR DRIVE (You can restore chromeOS if you like, no harm no foul, but any data on your SSD will be GONE).Īlso, developer mode is less secure as Google is no longer watching your back, don’t be stupid with your new found power! Instructions for ARM based Samsung chromebooks (the $250 ones)ġ. That was until I came across a great post on google+ ( ) which describes a bunch of scripts called crouton that allow you to run ubuntu inside of chromeOS! Switching between the two systems is as easy as a key stroke, and it is instant. So long story short, I wasn’t ready to go down the install ubuntu on your chromebook path. But I don’t really want to get rid of chomeOS, its great the way it is and duel booting seems to defeat the purpose of having a quick start “always on” laptop. But every now and then I miss the fact that I can’t jump into the terminal and start tapping away. I really love my chromebook, at least when I get to wrestle it off the wife.

Install linux on chromebook without developer mode